Various Versions of Our History/Origin:


The history of the origin of Isu has many versions and differ from person to person. It is largely based on oral traditions and myths.


Uzoma Nzeduruomezuo Nwadike from Umuebo in Umuorlu had it that Elili was the father of Gbaraogu and that Eliligbaraogu was the grandfather of Isu. According to late Chief Sir James Obiefule from Umuokwuomee in today’s Ishi Ala Umuozu stated that, the first man in Isu was known as MKPU (Creator) from where Gbaraogu transcended. He said that Gbaraogu had two sons- Isu and Elili and maintained that Isu the first son of Gbaraogu had three sons- Uzu, Dim na Nume and Kara na Olu (Orlu). There are other contradictory versions from various sources but with one common belief that “ISU” did not migrate from anywhere but originated from its present location where we are today. This is why we are called ‘ISU KPOM KWEM’,  meaning Original Isu without prefix like Isu Njaba, Isu Ochi, Isu Okporo, and so on.

The origin of Isu is more elucidated in the words of Chief D. E. Dikeukwu as stated in his thesis on the “Origin, Migration and Settlement of Isu People” (unpublished 1976). He said “It should be noted that Isu tradition of origin bears a close resemblance to those of many Igbo towns and communities. Therefore to know more objectively and correctly all about the origin of Isu, all the sources necessary for the reconstruction of the past must be applied”.

According to Ike Chi-Ukwu Eluigwe, Isu means a bursting forth, a break out, a surging forward movement and such… probably, due to the human surge of those that were tagged such. This definition is probably right when one relates it to the statement from Kaycee Alozie that “There was a population explosion in the Central Igbo area that coincided with the downward push of the Umueri people into former Isu areas leading to the further Isu migration southwards into originally Southern Igbo areas, that was the origin of the term Isuama or Isoma”.

Isu means “The starting, the beginning, the sprouting”. The verb “su” in many Igbo dialects mean “to start”. For example, “O sula” (it has begun); “Ọ bata o su “. The name Isu supports the theory that the Isu were one of the cradles of the Igbo nation…..-Akachukwu Vitalis.

There are Isu in western and North central Nigeria. Isu refers to those that lived in the southern Ado/Idu empire that collapsed in about 800AD that necessitated Igbo migration towards the River Niger. The northern Ado was called Agbaja. Now Let us see the Isu in the western part of Nigeria; Lagos State – Isumba (Isu mba); Niger State – Isu-Anim-Kure.. S/W of Abuja; Ogun State – Isuku (Isu uku) S/W of Abeokuta; Oyo State – Isu-Ndurin..S/W of Ejigbo, Ikute-Ishu.. NW of Ipapo; Ondo State – Isu-Ada.. N/W of Owo, Ijesha…N/W of Ado Ekiti, Ijesha Osu, NW of Ikaro.

That is why I earlier said you can’t write Igbo history without the mention of Yoruba. Most people that claim to be Yoruba today were Igbo who could not migrate out of Ado following the crisis that capitulated Ado-na-Idu empire in 800AD.The converse is also true. That is why history will tell you that Igbo and Yoruba are cousins. Did you listen to the Ooni of Ife during the Aja annual festival of last year? He stated the obvious that thence forth Ndi must join in that festival because they started it and that they found Ife. This applies to Agbaja, Ado, Idu and all their scattered settlements. Don’t forget there were Ado and Idu in the tribe of Judah. Ado was short form of Adoraim, while Idu was Idumea. The Ado comprised tribes of Igbo in the absolute majority and were said to have led the migration from Israel and they include Ijebu, Ijesha, Ijekiri, Ijaw, Isobo, Isoko, Ishan, and Etsako. While Idu was the whole of Edoland and Iyala. By: Fidelis Ekeimo

The Isu people are the largest single sub-ethnic group of the Igbo culture group with the earliest evidence of migration and settlement in all the six geo-cultural zones of Igboland -Uchechi Ogbonna

ISU the second son of Ani, Achalla the third son of Ani, OCHI AGHA IGBO, the first son of Igbo. The deep hidden progenitors of Igbo. The three IVITE/IFITE IGBO / NDI IVITE; -Aja-Ani Igbo

Ìsú probably derives from the same root as ùsú , which means a large group of people, a horde, a host. (As in the popular biblical phrase “ùsú niile nke ndì agha”) – Nonso Uche Nnajide