Isu na Eliligbaraogu USA & Canada

Isu N’Eliligbaraogu is bounded on the South-East by Osu Ama town in Isi Ala Mbano LGA in Okigwe Senatorial District, on the North/North West by Amaigbo town, on the East by Abba town and on the South by Abajah town all in Nwangele LGA in the Orlu Senatorial District of Imo State.

The history of the origin of Isu has many versions. It is also very difficult to trace how the People came to their present abode largely due to lack of documented evidence. What is known about the origin of Isu is dominated by oral traditions and myths. It differs from one person to the other.

About Us

Isu na Eliligbaraogu USA is organized for charitable, social, educational and economic development of Ala Isu. It is an association of people in the 50 States of USA including Canada from six independent autonomous communities in Nwangele L.G.A of Imo State.

Isu na Eliligbaraogu USA is a National Organization that units all sons and daughters of Isu extraction in the United States of America. We are connected by a shared sense of mission and vision tailored towards unity amongst us here in the United States of America, Canada and in diaspora. As a top-ranked community organization with an inclusive culture that connects civic engagement and demonstrates oneness, shared sense of global mission and vision, we are committed to an orientation geared towards achieving a common goal of building and transforming a united Isu na Eliligbaraogu.

Our agenda of rural development will foster economic, social, cultural and humanitarian dividend in Ala Isu na Eliligbaraogu. We leverage the best community outlook, tailored towards re-engineering the structure of AlaIsu na Eliligbaraogu through a collaborative and combine grit strongly hewed in supportive community outreach. We are known for crafting our community experiences that is geared towards the extension of our cultural and traditional excellence across our father land, our pride, and the most indomitable AlaIsu na Eiligbaraogu, the Kingdom of our birth, which flows with people with spectacular sense of belonging that generates enriching value system. Our goal as well includes but not limited to building an incredible legacy for posterity with a remarkable trajectory, resounding citizens with a mindset free of disunity.

According to history, Isu N’Eliligbaraogu was made up of three villages namely Obu Ozu Obu Otiti, Dim Na Nume and Kara Na Orlu representing the three Sons of Isu that developed today into six independent autonomous communities with six traditional rulers or kings. The Autonomous Communities are as follows: Isu Ancient Kingdom; Umuozu; Ishi Ala Umuozu; Dim Na Nume; Umunakara and Umunna.

Aims:  To provide a forum for members to network with one another, engage in community development, as well as educational and cultural enrichment.

Objectives: The objectives of the corporation shall include, but not limited to:

  1. Promoting and encouraging local economic development in United States and Old Isu town in Nigeria.
  2. To help the poor and needy; and provide necessary assistance to Isu entrepreneurs to nurture their businesses such that they can play a leading role in the development of their communities.
  3. To promote educational, cultural workshops for the public; and advance the pursuit of educational excellence among members and others.
  4. To support youth activities through cultural and educational awareness programs.
  5. To organize and unite all old Isu Indigenes in the USA
  6. To protect and advance the social, economic, and cultural interest of members in the USA.
  7. To establish a credit union to serve our low-income communities and encourage thrift and other savings schemes amongst members and adopt measures for promoting same.
  8. To collaborate with other organizations that share the same aims and objectives of Isu na Eliligbaraogu.
  9. To collectively plan and implement programs that shall benefit members.
  10. Engage city, state and federal governments through partnership and advocacy to make available necessary infrastructures for the development and maintenance of viable African and Isu na Eliligbaraogu communities.
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